Thank you for helping us improve the efficiency and timeliness of our payments to you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Welcome to Danbury Property Management's Vendors Reference Page

Danbury Property Management are continuously working to improve our processes and supplier relations and have implemented SparcPay - a solution to the inefficiency of paper invoices and payments. Invoices are emailed to a dedicated address, reviewed and approved digitally, and once approved, payment is made directly to your bank account via direct deposit, with the payment details emailed to make it easy for you to post the payment. This paperless process is more cost effective, more environmentally friendly, and will also eliminate unnecessary delays in processing payments.
You will be paid faster for approved invoices and be notified faster if there is an issue with an invoice.
There are two simple steps to ensuring your bills are processed effectively under the new system:
· Email invoices as PDF attachments to
For example:
Most accounting systems can generate an invoice as a PDF file, but if that is not convenient, you can scan and email a printed or even a handwritten invoice.
A listing of all Property email addresses for submission of your invoices is below for your reference. Kindly ensure you are sending the proper bill to the proper email address or delay in payment can occur.
- Send one PDF with just one invoice attached to one email
- Maximum size for PDF attachment is 4MB
- Ensure the Subject line of the email is not blank
- Each invoice only needs to be submitted once, any duplicate submissions will be rejected
If you are not already registered as a SparcPay vendor the registration is free and you can securely register for electronic payment at: